Menu Plan Monday

So I got my wish last week and didn't get to quite finish everything on my menu plan - I had the baby! So needless to say, posting will be light over the next couple weeks or so. I don't really need a menu plan this week, but maybe actually typing it out will remind me to take things out of the freezer (or rather telling the husband to take things out of the freezer).


choices of: homemade yogurt (with a new method I must share!), fruit, smoothies, waffles, french toast, pancake & sausage muffins, banana muffins, oatmeal raisin muffins


spaghetti & meatballs
Hawaiian chicken
salmon patties, green beans, mac n cheese (the husband will make this so we'll have to see about the last part)
curry chicken, naan

All these meals (other than the salmon patties) will come from the freezer. I will leave it at 5 meals because I know that someone in our family will want to bring us food. But I still want to try to eat as real as possible over the next couple least for main meals since I have more junk food in my house than I care to admit right now! Hey, I've been craving Froot Loops for weeks and dang it, I deserved them this weekend!  : )

For more menu plan ideas check out Org Junkie's MPM.

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