Zero Waste Home came across this family yesterday via Money Saving Mom and I am impressed. The Johnson family strives in every aspect of their lives to produce as little waste as possible. Yahoo recently posted a video of them overviewing their life.

They also have a blog where they go into details about specific actions. I think that this is a great lifestyle to strive for. Though most of us will probably never be at this level of conservation, the Johnsons all have habits that we can adopt to reduce our own waste.

One thing that I found particularly interesting is that they do not follow merely the three R's of reduce, reuse, recycle. Instead they have adopted a fourth R that they follow first - refuse. Can they simply do without something that would produce waste? Can they do without the packaging on something? For instance, they bring their own jars to the store to buy food from the meat/cheese/seafood counter and also the bulk bins. While I have never thought of bringing my own container to the meat counter, I have read before about bringing my own jar to get food from the bulk bins. While I don't use these often, I think this is something I might look into.

This is not the last you have seen of the Johnsons. I will be coming back at later times to discuss the tips they give to reducing waste in various areas of the home and how you can do so as thriftily as possible!

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