Ways to Save - Coupons

Yes, I said coupons. While it is true that a lot of coupons for unhealthy, processed junk, there are also coupons to be found for healthy staples like whole wheat pasta, whole wheat flour, rice, milk, meat, frozen and canned produce, and yes, even fresh produce when you're lucky. And these are just the ones found in the Sunday paper. It is true that you are not going to find lots of great coupons every week. There are still many, many coupons that I put in the recycling bin every week because they are not for toiletries or food that fits into my lifestyle. I actually would not even bother with these most weeks if I did not have a free source for them (my parents). The coupons that I clip every week are for frozen vegetables (these coupons are pretty abundant), nuts, toilet paper, pasta (I am still on the fence about organic with this one...anyone want to help me out?), organic yogurt (Oikos puts out coupons every so often), and similar items. Manufacturers are increasingly putting out coupons for organic items, so if you are interested in whether or not it would be worth it to you to buy a newspaper each week, you should check out the Sunday Coupon Database to see what coupons will be available.

If you do not want to get the Sunday paper or do not have excess to it, you can always order these coupons. For a handling and processing fee, you can buy only the coupons you want, in the number that you need. Some sites for these are:

These come in handy when there is a coupon for one product you buy a lot or when there is a sale you can combine the coupon with. Or both! That is when I suggest stocking up. With these, though, it is important to note the expiration date and take that into consideration when ordering.

But newspaper coupons are not the best ones. If you own a printer a whole new world of coupon possibilities is open to you.  If there is a certain product that you like, go directly to the manufacturer's page. More than likely you will find a coupon. Some of the main sites you can go to for organic coupons are:

These are just a few to get you started. In order to print the majority of coupons you will need to download special software and will be prompted to do so the first time you print, but it is simple, quick, and about as safe as anything else you would download. Most coupons can only be printed twice but are often refreshed or replaced with different ones after a certain amount of time.

There are also entire sites dedicated to just free printable coupons. Many of these coupons are not for items that fit in with my lifestyle, but milk, produce, and other coupons can still be found. Some of the main sites are:

Knowing how to use coupons to your advantage can really help you, even if you do not use them very often. Each week I will post the coupons I have printed in the past week. Whether you are just starting the journey towards a healthier lifestyle of have been "on the wagon" for awhile, there is something for everyone to be found.

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